Brandon Kugler - Branch Manager
1. What is your name and title?
Brandon Kugler, Branch Manager North Canton
2. What is your role at Turfscape?
I am responsible for the daily operations, scheduling and equipment management of crews servicing my accounts. I am the main point of contact for my customers and handle customer service, sales and renewals. I focus on providing solutions, developing long-term relationships and becoming a trusted advisor for my customers.
3. How long have you worked at Turfscape?
I’ve worked at Turfscape since 2009. I started in the field as a Job Supervisor at our Twinsburg branch. I worked through the ranks and became an Operations Manager, Account Manager and I am currently the Branch Manager in North Canton.
4. How long have you worked in the landscape industry?
Since 1998, my Senior year of High School. I completed a Vocational Urban Forestry/Landscape Horticulture program my Senior year. It was part of the Six District Educational Program offered by multiple schools in my area.
I’ve also worked for Davey tree for 2 years and owned and operated a landscape maintenance company for 9 years.
See Linked in profile for timeline/info.
5. What industry AND non-industry designations/certifications/degrees do you have?
LICT Technician turf & ornamental
Licensed pesticide applicator
6. What is your favorite project you worked on at Turfscape and why?
In 2017, I took on a project for Christ The Redeemer Church in Brecksville. We completely re-designed the landscaping of the center courtyard that has been overlooked in the past. The pre-school uses this area for the kids to run around and everyone has been so excited to see the new transformation. I have enjoyed being able to make a difference for the church members, kids and community.
7. What is your favorite Have Fun at Work event that you attended and why?
I enjoyed the Turfscape Olympics and having fun competing in groups: back pack blower soccer, wheel barrow races, and chalk outline safety drawings.
I also enjoyed our whirlyball outing and the trampoline dodgeball outing. Again, it was fun competing with others…and I admit it was fun trying to run into my coworkers with bumper cars and throw dodge balls at them. (I won’t say which ones I enjoyed hitting :-) )
8. What is the one thing about you that might surprise people?
I played Men’s Volleyball in high school. I was the shortest person on the team.
The first time I went hunting as a kid with my dad I overdressed and passed out from getting too hot when we finished hiking to our spot. I ended up sliding down a hill…
9. What do you enjoy doing when not at Turfscape?
I enjoy spending time with my family. My son is in Boy Scouts & Cross Country. My daughter plays soccer pretty much year-round and is also a Girl Scout, so I am involved with all their adventures. I like to work in my garage on project cars - I am building a 1979 Camaro Z28 now. I also enjoy fishing, biking and hiking with my family.
10. Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
I like bacon.
I would like to take a road trip across America to sightsee.
Until becoming a Manager, my weight has stayed the same since High School…
I think there should be a super bowl for pre-season football so the Browns have a shot at a title…
I chose French as my required language class in high school because I thought girls would love to be complimented in French… turns out my guidance counselor was right and hindsight being 20/20, Spanish would have been a better choice given my career path… je suis un idiot.