George Hohman - President
1. What is your name and title?
George Hohman - Founder & President
2. What is your role at Turfscape?
First and foremost I lead our company culture & sales efforts but ultimately have a hand in everything from day to day operations and big picture planning & budgeting.
3. How long have you worked at Turfscape?
Since 1988, at one point or another, I have taken part in every Turfscape position:
Technician, Job Supervisor, Operations Manager, Account Manager, Branch Manager, Admin, President
4. How long have you worked in the landscape industry?
Since 1988, when I started the company. I originally worked out of my parent's garage with a Chevy blazer and a trailer for my mowing equipment.
5. What industry AND non-industry designations/certifications/degrees do you have?
Certified Landscape Professional
Certified Snow Professional
Akron University
Cleveland State University
6. What is your favorite project you worked on at Turfscape and why?
PAWSibilities/Humane Society of Summit County - Giving Back by revamping the dog enrichment area
John Carroll University - The transition of our partnership
Trinity High School - Giving Back by completely overhauling the school's landscaping
7. What is your favorite Have Fun at Work event that you attended and why?
Akron Rubberducks game - I love watching baseball and it was great hanging out with everyone
8. What is the one thing about you that might surprise people?
I coach baseball at Trinity High School
9. What do you enjoy doing when not at Turfscape?
Hike - Fish - Hunt
10. Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
I love that Turfscape and all of our team members care about giving back to the community.