Joseph Laduca - Field Manager
What is your role at Turfscape?
I am the onsite Field Manager at John Carroll University. On campus I manage the day-to-day operations, which includes planning, scheduling, managing, and working with the Turfscape crew.
How long have you worked at Turfscape?
I started working at Turfscape in 2017 and have been working in the landscape industry for over 10 years.
What is your favorite project that you have worked on at Turfscape?
The giving back project we did for Trinity High School. We redesigned their front entrance, and it really gave the school a face lift. It was awesome to see everyone donate their time on the weekend and work together to give back to our community.
What is your favorite Have Fun at Work event that you attended and why?
I really enjoyed the "Sip and Paint" event. This is something I have never done before and probably would have never even thought of doing. I brought my mother along as my date for the evening and she had a blast too. We had some drinks, shared a few laughs, and tried our best to be artistic. My mother still has our paintings hanging on her wall. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it.
What is one thing about you that might surprise people?
Outside of work I tend to be very shy, but at work, I need to be very outgoing to be a successful Field Manager. I am responsible for motivating the onsite team at JCU, attending facilities meetings, working with people on campus, and communicating with the management team at Turfscape. On top of all of that, I want to make sure working for Turfscape is a lot of fun. All of this requires me to be very extroverted. I guess the environment at Turfscape just brings it out of me.
What do you enjoy doing when not at Turfscape?
I do not have any crazy hobbies. I enjoy fishing and helping others as much as possible.