The grass isn’t going to stop growing due to the current pandemic. Therefore landscape professionals have been declared essential and are able to continue working. With safety being the primary focus of all our operational procedures and after much careful and thorough research, Turfscape has determined that taking the following precautions will help keep help our employees and customers safe during these unprecedented times.
Staggering Start Times
With over 100 employees our branches can become congested during the start to every day. In order to prevent this we have started staggering our start times so we can limit the number of people at our facilities at the same time. We are also eliminating the need for field staff to enter the office by having a manager get the truck keys, equipment, and materials staged so field staff can arrive to work and get directly into the truck to leave each morning.
Direct Reporting
In order to mitigate this situation we are directing most landscape technicians to drive their personal vehicle to the commercial properties we maintain, and reimbursing them for mileage traveled during the work day when possible.
Proper Sanitation
Thorough cleaning and disinfectant is being done multiple times a day. All trucks and equipment are being wiped down with disinfectant. Each crew has been supplied with a sanitation kit that includes bleach spray, hand sanitizer, paper towels, and rubber gloves. We have also trained all staff about best practices when returning home from the work day to prevent the spread of any germs into their residence.
Supplying & Wearing Masks
It has been recommended by the CDC that everyone wear a mask when around other people. Therefore Turfscape has purchased face masks for all staff to wear in order to help prevent the spread of germs. Proper training has been conducted about how and when to wear this piece of personal protective equipment.
Self Quarantine
All employees have been instructed that if they show any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 that they should get tested and stay at home for 14 days to stop the potential spread of the virus.
Weekly Training Videos
Turfscape utilizes a software system to rapidly share information through video. Primarily this software has been focused on training and safety videos, but during this pandemic it is being used to share important updates in replacement of morning huddles.
Social Distancing
This is paramount to preventing the spread of germs and Turfscape is making sure this practice is followed. The six foot rule is in effect at all times when interacting with others and all customers have been instructed to not approach and speak with field staff while they are on the job site. Instead they are to call the account manager to address any questions, comments, or concerns.
Working from Home
Any employee who is able to do so is currently working from home. This includes all administrative staff and office personnel. All essential meetings are being done via video conference. Time in the office has been reduced to only when necessary.
Turfscape understands the severity of this pandemic and the management team has done their due diligence to make sure that all the necessary precautions are being followed. There is a strong commitment to make sure our customer’s properties are serviced during these trying times and believe this can be done without sacrificing the health and safety of the hardworking Turfscape team.